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Healthy Cooking Without Wheat Article

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from: A Healthier Life - by Janet Moore

Do you want to greatly change your cooking habits? Do you see others eating lavish meals and they do not seem to gain weight? Do you find that others talk often about healthy cooking techniques that if you only knew you could use and benefit from yourself? Not to worry! You can find all the healthy cooking techniques you want and start making your diet and life better today!

Healthy cooking techniques can be found in many places! Make a simple internet search and you will come up with hundreds of results. And, do not worry! Healthy cooking techniques do not need to be life altering. They can be made simply and easily. For example, if you simply change your fattening salad dressing to low fat or nonfat choices you will have already made a huge difference in your caloric intake! Some people think that just because they are eating a salad they will lose weight, but if they are pouring fattening salad dressing on the healthy green leaves they will gain weight! Sometimes a salad drenched in a fattening salad dressing ends up containing more fat and caloric content than a greasy hamburger! Keep this in mind the next time you decide to reach for a fattening salad dressing!

But, you say, most low fat and nonfat salad dressings have no taste or even taste funny. This does not have to be the case! Salsa is a great alternative to fattening salad dressings and it is packed with flavor. Pick up a bottle of marinade. Most are low in calories and have no fat, but are filled with yummy flavor! Or how about mustard mixed with soy sauce. This is a homemade dressing that is packed with flavor! Be creative and you will be surprised at what some simple healthy cooking techniques can do to make your diet better for you!

Or if you love cooking ground beef or turkey another simple of the many healthy cooking techniques to use is to simply cook the meat and when it is done use a spatula to hold the meat from falling out of the pan and drain all the fat into a cup that you can later dispose of. This will eliminate countless fat content and calories and it is simple to do! The food will still taste great and you will not be left with a greasy, lethargic feeling that one often feels after eating a fattening meal. Healthy cooking techniques will improve your life, your overall well being and your health! If you cook for others, you will be giving them the wonderful gift of all these advantages as well!


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